

Joined May 2019 6 Following0 Followers
About Neva

Hi there! I'm just an amateur VA looking for some experience! I've been doing theatre for about 9 years, and would love an opportunity to broaden my horizons! My strong suits acting-wise are:

- Being an obsessive fan (like the blonde girls in Beauty and the Beast lol)
- Being upset
- Talking in a weird anime girl voice

Other talents include:
- Singing
- Writing
- Saying uwu every five seconds uwu

  • @halo19

    What can I say about Neva?

    She's just amazing. I've worked with her on many different projects.

    She has the singing voice of an angel. She's so incredibly fun to be around, but she can also be very professional. She's kind hearted and always gets her lines done in time. I'm so blessed to be working with her and that I can call her my friend.

  • @seth-quine

    Neva is/has been providing work for an audiobook that I am directing. The project will have ten audiobooks and I am hoping that she will come back for as many as she wants!
    She is one of the best voice actors to work with! She always sends in lines on time and if she needs more time she asks respectfully. Also she can work with others very well.
    You will not be disappointed with having her on your team and I am looking forward to work with her on more projects!