

Joined Apr 2019 0 Following1 Followers
About Mobhunter1005

Hey! I don't use my real name but call me Hunter, I may be only 12 but! I'm free almost 4 hours a day!! I try not to miss any sessions I apologize if I do, I do believe I am mature enough. You will not regret casting me!!! *As long as I dont have like 50+ things to do at the moment xD*

  • @show_me_the_tea

    I don’t know Hunter very well, but I know he’s a very secretive guy. Hunter seems like the guy who needs someone to talk to most of the time. He’s very funny and friendly, I haven’t seen his talented side yet but I’m sure it’s fantastic.

    Hunter is like your go-to-buddy, if you cast him now, there’s nothing to regret.

  • @xmoshii

    Hunter is just.. i'm so speechless, he is JUST PHENOMENAL! Honestly, he has a great sense of humour and is always free to help me body act! Even if nobody else has the time, he always makes time for us. I’m extremely grateful for him on the team and we have a TON of inside jokes. So PLEASE do cast him if he applies for you I can assure you will not regret it! <3

  • @louimezdez

    Hunter is a brilliant friend, he has made me laugh many times, he is so funny and he is defo the man for body acting, its a shame we don't get to speak a lot bc of timezones but he is a fantastic person and you should cast him NOW!

  • @sllurp

    Hunter is absolutely brilliant when it comes to anything related to roleplays! He knows the proper procedures, mods, and what needs to be done to execute the project fast and efficiently. Regardless of his age, Hunter definitely knows more than most people in the rp industry. Not only is he impressively tech savvy, Hunter also happens to be quite the comedian when it comes to having fun on, and off set. He always brings a smile to everyone's face when he joins the room (especially when karoake is involved) and has a wicked sense of humor. My point being, you should definitely cast him, you'd be making a GRAVE mistake not doing so :))