

Joined Jun 2019 1 Following0 Followers
About marshmallowbunni

Hi! I'm marshmallowbunni, an aspiring voice over actress. 

  • @redphoenix15

    For the past few months since I've met this young lady, Bunni has grown from a beginner to an amazing voice actress. She provides the voice of my lead female character, Sarah Morgan, in the reboot of my original story, "Pure Bond," taking over as the successor of my previous VA: Reshel Pascua (MsMeisterVA).

    Bunni has quickly adapted into her role, and she has displayed kindness, generosity and sincerity in her performances. She's also very cooperative when being asked to take care of certain responsibilities, and she even completes her work days, even weeks before deadlines were issued.

    Bunni, I couldn't have chosen a better successor than you. You're everything I could ever ask for. I look forward to what lies ahead. Keep up the outstanding work.