

Joined Oct 2021 0 Following2 Followers
About Marguerite

Current on-going projects:

On-air talent for Real FM, Fuerteventura, Spain
Spoken voice work for advertisements

Current development:
Accent coaching for voice-over work
Sound engineering continuous learning

Past education and experience:
Christmas FM, Ireland introductory course, covering radio work and audio engineering
5 years with an internationally-touring choir, including recording live and studio albums
MSc Music Technology

  • @ccmaci

    Marguerite is a quality voice actor: she excels in vocal performance, is straightforward to direct, and has a quick DM response time.

      In Hallownest Vocalized, she voices 1 Major Role, and 2 Minor Roles (of which she volunteered for).

      “Flukemarm” was best received by players, as many were VERY grossed out by the slimy, slurpy noises made in the performance, which is exactly what I needed for the role.

      I recommend Marguerite for any projects you’re considering her for, she’ll be a great addition to your team!

      Additional Notes: This recommendation is for a voice actor from Hallownest Vocalized, a Hollow Knight mod which gave English voice acting to every character in the game. This was a large-scale project, acquiring over 5,000 auditions, but only casting 100 voice actors. This is the mod's Launch Trailer (this VA does not appear in it)