

Your go-to boy voice!

Joined Mar 2015 84 Following0 Followers
About Lumisau

Hello! My name is Darcy Maguire, from Brisbane, Australia. I've been in the online voiceover scene for a long time now. If you've ever been in fandom spaces such as Undertale, you may have heard my voice around. You also might have seen my username around the Voice Acting Club's Discord server, where I am an admin. Somehow, I hold a lot of power in the online voiceover scene. This means absolutely nothing.

I specialise in young boy characters or androgynous characters, with the occasional tough young adult woman for good measure. I've been in indie games, legit anime dubs, online animations, visual novels, e-learning, audio plays, In The Groove tournament mods... Your usual smorgasbord of projects. My specialities acting-wise include battle efforts and negative emotions.

She/her or they/them. My gender identity is a mirage at best, and I really appreciate being able to voice male, female, and nonbinary characters as my own personal form of gender expression.

While I'm from Australia, my neutral US accent has managed to fool actual working industry professionals. Of course, my natural accent is pretty clearly and authentically Australian (though I have had people in the past guess I'm from anywhere from Britain to Texas, somehow). I actually find studying the Australian accent really fascinating! If you're ever struggling with your Australian accent, send me a message - I'd be happy to give you a few pointers.

I have a pretty solid home studio set-up. I use a BeesNeez BU87i C into an Audient iD4, using Adobe Audition as my DAW of choice. I record in a home-made booth made in the style of a WhisperRoom. "What the heck kinda mic is that?", I hear you asking? It's a U87 clone made by a boutique mic company situated veeery close to where I grew up, and it's important to support local business! I also have a bit of a hipster streak and I enjoy having cool things others aren't particularly familiar with.


Prices are negotiable based on budget. I usually base it around the VAC Indie Rate Guide.

I'm from Australia, but I charge in US dollars to make things easier for everyone.

If I am actively auditioning for an unpaid project, then I know what I'm getting into. All I ask is that every crew member is treated fairly financially.

What Lumisau is looking for

Lookin' for neat video games, animations, and other video projects. I'm not against fan-based work, but I've gotta actually be a fan of the property!

I'm also looking for the most bonkers casting calls to amuse myself.

  • @tarquin-irusa

    Lumi/Darcy is in all regards a professional. I find myself very often looking over at what she is doing and getting inspired to work harder in my craft and learn as much as I can.

    Darcy is incredibly wise, skilled, intelligent, friendly, and someone I am very grateful to have the opportunity to work with as much as I have already. Thank you for everything you do for me and the other green thumbs in our community. You are a rock star!