Julia Vandervoort

About Julia Vandervoort

Aspiring voice actress and director in college wanting to do a webtoon fandub. Nuff said. :)

What Julia Vandervoort is looking for

Let me do English anime dubs because they use the same voice actors way too often and it is driving me INSANE <3

  • @Ebrotherhood

    I worked with Julia on a short demo reel I submitted to a production company I work with. She was pleasant, eager, and helpful throughout the entire production. In the audio she sent me, she gave numerous takes of each line so that I had the most diverse range of options possible. Her performance was beautiful, full of heart, and wonderfully playful. She was willing and able to re-record dialogue as necessary and was incredibly efficient in doing so. I avidly and emphatically recommend her!

  • @itskurokun

    I am currently directing Julia in a series I am writing, and I must say that I am incredibly impressed by her voice, delivery, and enthusiasm.

    She is a joy to be around, which makes my job as director much simpler, and her enthusiasm for the project is contagious.

    Whatever you are working on, I wholeheartedly recommend her services.