Joseph Frost

Joseph Frost

Joined Dec 2017 257 Following0 Followers
About Joseph Frost

Hello, it is me, Frost. I am still fairly new at the whole concept of doing Voice-over work, but it doesn't mean I am not willing to try and have a grand old time while I figure out if I could even do it. I am in the Military(Navy) so if I apply for a role and get cast for your project and I don't respond instantly it is more than likely I am at work or out at sea. I am looking forward to you hiring me for a project or you coming to seek me out for anything. I will obviously not take certain jobs due to personal preferences however I should state I am a High-Medium to a Low vocal range. I have a soft spot for any characters played by Matt Mercer, Travis Willingham, Ian Sinclair, Jameson Price, and Christopher White. SPECIAL SHOUTOUT TO RUBEN WHO MADE MY ART! ANOTHER SHOUT OUT TO Meinya for the awesome BERKUT. Next AWESOME PERSON Is for melvy the Joseph Frost. If you need my Discord Joseph Frost#0001

                                          Common Questions and Answers!  
Q: How old are you?

A: I am 23 so you can expect that I might act more in a mature manner but I may act a fool more often than not.

Q: If I want you for a project, can I ask you?

A: Sure! Just send me your project first so I can check it out!
Q: Who taught you how to act?

A: Myself! I more than often look back at SoulBrothernumber3 videos on online voice acting for reference since it was what taught me to act and have the right equipment.



  • @risa

    As a cinema student, I had a project to do for my university. I was looking for a narrator, and found the perfect voice actor in Joseph Frost. It was simply great to work with him, he sent the audio files very quickly. As I wanted some lines in a different way, I asked him to redo some of them, and he did so very well and in no time. I am grateful for this experience and it added a lot to my project. Therefore, this recommendation comes wholeheartedly, as it's the least I can do to thank Joseph for this opportunity.

  • @deleted47856

    This guy is great to be around, he works extremely hard, and show great promise as a voice actor, if you don’t have Joseph Frost in your project, you are missing out on natural talent that you will not find anywhere else.

  • @presidentleon

    Joseph/Frost is easily one of the few people I have met and have the honor of saying is an amazing guy. Frost is someone who I enjoy talking to and playing games with every week. And his vocal range is amazing! Seeing a community of male voice actors which seem to heavily lean towards the "High-Medium low" ranges- it's refreshing to always hear his amazing deep/low vocal range (yet his other ranges are also amazing as well). Seeing how quickly he has grown is inspiring, and I honestly can't get enough of this guy. If you need an amazing and dedicated voice actor- Joseph Frost is your man!

  • @deleted71703

    I'm not even sure where to begin, but Joseph Frost is an amazing up and coming VA and an amazing friend as well. Not only is his voice pleasing to listen to, but it also has some unique capabilities being able to properly hit those lower registers. He is also very diligent and gets all his work done and on time. It is an honor to be working alongside him in projects as well as having him as one of my close friends and I could not put into words how much I recommend him for your projects.

  • @takamatsu

    Joseph Frost is a fantastic voice actor. I'm in a few projects with him, and by god is he great. He recorded lines for me quickly, and they were perfect the first time around. To boot, he's a great friend, and I sincerely recommend anyone to cast Joseph. (By the way, he makes a great Berkut.)

  • @deleted73203

    Frost/Joseph, overall is a fantastic person and voice actor. I work with him currently in a Under-Night project-- and I think his voice acting is spot on. Listening to his other roles, he can do so many ranges and is able to express emotion really well. He also seems like a very sweet, understanding guy in general, and is able to work well in any situation. I'd like to work with him more in the future in other projects and hopefully make great friends with him!
    Fantastic guy, I'd recommend him for anything.

  • @mylesm

    Joseph Frost is one of the greatest inspirations for my voice acting. I cannot express enough how his kindness, generosity, and welcoming attitude have impacted me, as both a voice actor and as a person. He introduced me into a wonderful community of fellow voice actors that I have truly felt at home with. His voice oozes passion for his craft, and his desire to improve his voice is tangible from the second you speak with him. He truly is one of the most versatile voices you'll find on the site, and you would be hard-pressed to find someone who is more excited about what he does. If you need quality, you need Joseph Frost.

  • @alejo-patten

    Joseph is wickedly talented, I had him on Figment as Chairman Illocrant, and he brought his A-game every episode. He is an awesome dude and I think this man needs to be in more projects.