Creawell: An Original Animatic Series


Set in a crime-ridden city, a young FBI agent, Philip Watanabe, is tasked with handling a high-stress hostage situation in the heart of the city. But when plans go awry, how will Watanabe prevent going into a crossfire and bring the innocent civilians to safety?  

Creawell: An Original Animatic Series started its development process in 2016. An unreleased pilot was made in 2021, with a brief hiatus following shortly after. In July of 2023, the public casting call for the revamped project was released, with Komorebi Studios producing the series and publishing it on their YouTube channel. Komorebi Studios has an incredibly small, but dedicated creative team of just 10 people; whose main priority is to share stories of importance and showcase work created by LGBTQ+ and POC artists. You can help pave the way for Komorebi Studios by supporting us through Patreon or Kickstarter!