

Joined Jun 2018 11 Following9 Followers
  • @skyfire

    Cninja provided lines for me, he was very quick, very good, and very enthusiastic. He replied quickly, and sent in his parts perfectly. I apologize for taking a while to respond, that was on me. So whoever is reading this looking for a voice actor, Cast Cninja!

  • @kodameans

    I've known him for a few months and he's a great VA and funny to boot. He's amazing at audio engineering and knows a lot about vocal training and what sounds right. CNinja is a wonderful addition to any project.

  • @ToastisToasty04

    Cninja did a lot of lines for me on a project and was great! He is a wonderful voice actor who got his lines in quickly, conveyed a lot of emotion, and was always very professional. 
