

Hello, I'm Chad and just trying to get myself out there!

Joined Jul 2022 81 Following71 Followers
About Chad

Hello, I'm a self-taught aspiring Hispanic VA

Discord User: Chadi3
Age: 13-18 
VA Experience: 3+ years

Software: Audacity

Hardware: Blue Yeti Nano

**NOTE:** If you wish to contact me through discord please send a message request first.

What Chad is looking for

Experience to expand my vocal skill! 

  • @haruhixko


  • @lusaerys

    Chad is just... an absolute chad. An experienced VA whose range will offer the best deliveries no matter the character, a friendly and caring person who will send you projects that your voice might fit, a dedicated worker who's very willing to improve and asks for feedback consistently; whatever qualities you're looking for in a voice actor, Chad has them racked up like infinity gemstones. I would absolutely recommend hiring her for any project in a heartbeat.

  • @official-aienne

    Chad is such an outstanding castmate to work with! They can easily get in tune with their character with some fantastic work ethic that tags along! She delivers her work in such an exceptional manner. A remarkably talented person by heart! If you find them auditioning I highly recommend to cast her!! <3

  • @glitterandsparklezz


  • @t0fuva

    Personally, I haven’t known Chad for that long but based on being in call with them and working on projects alongside their absolute awesomeness I can tell you that she is SUPER COOL ‼️ Chad is a really nice gal and a really epic voice actor as well. She has the kinda voice that leaves a great impression everywhere she goes. One of my favourite VA friends alongside many others. Please keep chad in mind when casting for projects because you won’t be let down. She is THE giga chad 🐺

  • @jenokiVA

    Anyone who knows Chad will agree that she is a fantastic voice actor. Chad delivers her lines flawlessly, with perfect emotion and pacing. Chad is not only a pleasure to work with but also puts a lot of effort into her work, thus I strongly advise you to hire her.💗

    - Sudofu

  • @haruhixko

    Chad's an awesome and supportive colleague + VA in many projects. They have great quality and emotion. She always asks questions if she's confused and takes criticism well. She knows her limits and also has a big range.

    If you get to know her, you know she's always looking for ways to improve and is extremely passionate about her work. Definitely a must hire!

  • @gracetheva

    I don't know Chad personally, but I do know the amount of talent she has. I have seen her demo reels, and a few projects that she has voiced in, and I can simply say that Chad has quite a lot of talent. The amount of time she spends growing in her voice acting is just beyond amazing. I would personally love to become her friend, because she is a very kind person who puts effort in what she does. I would definitely say that you should hire Chad without any question, you will surely not regret having her in your cast. 

    - GraceVA

  • @ToastTheGreat

    Before I hired her for my project, I had seen Chad's work on several discord servers and was blown away by her acting abilities and voice range. To say I was excited to find out she was interested in my project would be an understatement. Honest communication between me and her was very constant and appreciate that a lot in VAs! Please consider Chad to be in your project because I guarantee it is the most pleasant experience a director could ask for.

  • @Harmonically

    Chad ur the best !!!!!!!!!!!

  • @Gravelbugg

    She is an incredible voice actor, she does great with both tone and pitch and impresses me every time! she does a great job and I really suggest hiring her  

  • @tevmoney56

    Chad is so professional 😁🔐, when she first audition for one of my friends projects, i was in shocked of how amazing and beautiful her voice was-. Hope Chad the best fr😤🔥

  • @narumichi

    Chad’s always been a good voice actress. Ngl, when I first encountered her, I was a little intimidated because she’s wayy too good at what she does. I kept an eye on her, especially during auditions because she always ends up landing the roles I wanted, but that just shows how good she is. She’s a natural, heh

    Besides that, she’s really supportive, friendly, and overall such a good friend and helped out a lot with me and my VA career! :33

    This girl’s a MUST to hire. She’s passionate with voice acting, active, quick, and has a wide voice range!!! Mwaaa