

won won ~ !

Joined Apr 2023 58 Following38 Followers
About CeracatVO

Any prns

Discord: ceracatva

Aspiring Canadian voice actor of 5 years!

  • @highspirits

    Let's get our pride on!  #PrideMonth2023

  • @xanderalsip

    Cera is an amazing actor. Although young! His ability to accurately portray characters absolutely skyrockets the status quo for anyone his age. I met Cera a while back when I first started voice acting, and growing alongside him has been an utmost pleasure, he's incredibly talented, friendly, and just a delight overall. I highly suggest Cera for your project. :)

  • @gromsbo

     Ceracat has to be one of my favorite people to work with in recent years. With ever-improving singing capabilities, a wonderful range, and a shining personality,, Cera has got to be your guy. I've led both over and alongside them on various small projects and he has an eye for detail and strives to be professional no matter the situation. I'd recommend him valiantly to the masses if only I had a large enough megaphone. Could not love working with him more.