

Joined Jun 2019 10 Following0 Followers
About _KayaK_

Hello, there! I am Kayak VA, also known as Kayak, and I am a novice voice actress. I have been acting for a while now, both in actual productions and as a hobby in my free time. Ever since I came across theatre and acting, I have absolutely adored everything about it, from the fascinating ability to be another person to the simple need to project one's voice. I find voice acting to be one of the most impressive styles of theatre because of how abstract a role can become solely through its voice. 

I have taken acting classes and have devoted time towards improving my performance, so I am not merely a child going through a phase; I would like to be seen as a woman with a goal and ambition to grow into the best voice actress and thespian that I can possibly become. I anticipate that the projects in which I may be included in the future will be marvelous and look forward to working with everyone that I can!

  • @bearpuff4

    Kaya is a very dilligent, hard worker! She always hands her lines in very quickly, and follows all of my annoyingly strict formatting! She’s great at voice acting, and is also very helpful when it comes to behind the scenes tasks like writing. She never slacks on her work and always makes sure to let you know if she won’t be able to turn in her lines. I definitely recommend Kaya :3.