Discord: realzielaz
No social media
Music Composition
I use FL Studio to make my music and specialize in Video Game Music (VGM) and film scores (yet to make one for an actual film!)
Music Portofolio: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10KObSwlaPAh5xeoMrR_iRgXFQ7BMOO4C?usp=drive_link
Voice Acting
My main specialty would probably be anime styled characters, granted I can learn to do just about anyone. I can do over 70 impressions of different characters spanning from cartoon characters like Spongebob to more difficult characters like Junkrat or Reinhardt from Overwatch.
All the voices I can do/have done (somewhat outdated); Voices I can do - Google Docs
I enjoy actually voice acting rather than just doing impressions, so hit me up! :)
Preferably paid
Voice Acting - $5-20 per line
Music Composition - $20-150 per composition (negotiable)
Voice Acting - Dubbing, Comics, Original animations.
Music Composition - Original Animations, Films, and Video Games
I've hired him for my series to voice act into it awhile ago that I will upload as a director's cut and I can say if you're looking for a good voice actor for you're Villian in a series of Original Movie, I WOULD Definently reccomend him to be in you're project!