

Joined Apr 2019 1 Following0 Followers
About Yokomeshi

My name is Terry, I am a starting voice actor so I would appreciate any guidance one might be able to provide. 

I am especially interested in any projects that involve the psychological archetypes and delving into the underlying psychology that underlays the characters as well as their relationship with the world and those they have relationships with.

My background:

I am an American who was raised by military parents so I have no accent in particular that I can be identified with other than maybe "North American"? My day job is as an English teacher at a university in China.

I am an advanced speaker of Mandarin Chinese and can speak with a clear accent so any projects where I can use Mandarin are of great interest. (Currently, I have been living in China for 6 years. 

I can speak some Japanese and if given time to rehearse can use it for voice acting. (due to the lack of opportunities to speak Japanese my listening is actually better than my speaking).