

Joined Mar 2020 11 Following0 Followers
About yabusamereko

Hi! You guys can call me Eren. I am a British voice actor, who has had an interest in voice acting for a couple of years now. My main inspirations that made me want to start voice acting was CDawgVA and simply watching anime voice overs on Youtube.

I am two years experienced when it comes to voice acting, but I still class myself as a beginner. I am trying my best to improve and learn new skills, so hopefully I will be able to improve.

I don't take harsh feedback in a negative way. Constructive criticism is always appreciated! I want to improve, and any tips or advice that you have for me is always good.

The best way to contact me would definitely be through my Discord. I'll drop my Discord tag down below for anyone who wants to contact me.

Discord: yabusame#4938

You will probably find me auditioning in these fandoms;

- Danganronpa 
- Fanganronpa (Fan series of the original Danganronpa)
- Your Turn To Die
- Boku No Hero Academia
- Probably anything anime related