villeys of viiolets

villeys of viiolets

Joined Nov 2019 1 Following0 Followers
About villeys of viiolets

Aye, I'm Courtney! I have Amino and Discord. Also got Minecraft and Roblox. Both Minecraft Windows 10 edition and Minecraft Java edition.

Roblox user: PrincessCourtney6
 Minecraft Java: Ladyinsanex

Minecraft Windows 10: Topninja109

Discord: Darling Courtney#0624

Amino: Lillix

hehe so thats how you can find me. For xbox acc, my acc name is the same as for MC windows 10, Topninja109.

I got a good mic too. I think. Either it's fine or it's good, I mean, they're the same thing honestly.