

American male generic accent.   Western/cowboy accent. Smooth to gravely (think rough biker). I do a good evil 'serial killer' or sociopath voice. Limited budget? Let's collaborate on something fun!

Joined Sep 2023 0 Following0 Followers
About VicsVoiceOvers

I prefer shorter form work.  My goal is to get some credits and experience at the moment.  I'm uploading a few things to my youtube account, just to track my experience and improvements.


 Price is genuinely not a great concern for smaller projects.  Let's collaborate. 

What VicsVoiceOvers is looking for

I'm interested in exploring various projects.  Commercial, explainer, IVR (phone systems), video/animation voiceovers, audiobooks, etc. 

I'm happy to help out on student/indie projects with little to no budget. 

Eventually I want this side gig to become a real money maker.

Maybe one day this'll replace my full time job!  We can dream, can't we?!