

Joined May 2020 1 Following0 Followers
About VainBlitzCreed

Hey hey hey!

On here and many platforms I go by VainBlitzCreed, but in real life I am Caleb. I'm constantly working on my craft in order to improve my voice over skills and to make the projects I work on that much better.

My vocal variety can be anywhere from the lazy, monotone kid that thinks everything is a drag to the obnoxious snob that you immediately hate to the overly-energetic psychopath. I enjoy breathing life into any character, though I do admit I really enjoy the darker characters!

My interests are with anything that has a great story (video games, anime, comics, books/audiobooks, etc.)

I currently work from home, so line recording can be done easily and in a timely manner. I can also do any needed audio editing to improve audio quality and for roles that need less "human" attributes.