

Maria (mar-ee-ah, or mar-ya if you're lazy) She/her. Aspiring pro VA

Joined Dec 2020 31 Following53 Followers
About JustMariaPls


Hi! I'm Maria! If you're interested in my acting, see below to see if I'm a good fit.

Voice Ranges:  Medium, Medium/High, High, Very High

★⎜Age Ranges: Child Male/Female, Young Male/Female, Teen Female, Young Female Adult,  ⎜★

Strengths: I'm really good and I really enjoy imitating or impersonating characters, not only their voices but their mannerisms as well. I have a wide range of voices and personality.

Acting Experience: 
I've competed in 3 seasons of Speech and Debate in the categories of Duo and Humor
(This past season I made it to finals every tournament)
I've been voice acting for almost 4 years
Contact Info

Take in mind that I try not to swear or voice act for anything NWSF in any way.


5.00$ USD for 100 words, but don't let that stop you from reaching out to me!

What JustMariaPls is looking for

What I look for and am interested in:

-Comic/Fan Dubs


-Visual novels


  • @sc-gacha

    They have been cast as the lead role in my VA series. They always get their lines in on time and pay attention to scripting details. Their voice is steady and expressive when needed. They are an amazing voice actor and you won’t be disappointed by the work they put in!

  • @broken-opal

    Maria voices April in my gacha series last life. When I heard Maria's voice I knew I wanted her to voice April. She is amazing at delivering lines and great at Conveying emotions. I definitely recommend her to anyone looking for a voice actress. Super talented actress and can't wait to work on future episodes with her.