

Joined May 2021 7 Following2 Followers
About Tossarn

Hello! Semi-Professional voice actor from Sweden just signing up to free projects because well. It is fun! Maybe you'll see me around! Currently Project Leader for Load Aim Burn fighting game

Oh and achievement hunting is fun on this website! xD


Nothing specific really.

What Tossarn is looking for

Anything really.

  • @ashaphaedra

    Wonderfully talented voice actor, very adaptive, great villain voice. A pleasure to work with, and I sincerely recommend him :)

  • @rka

    Wow, What can I say, I love working with this guy. He has a wonderful personality and sense of humor and is very supportive of everyone...and that just the projects!  All of that is also present outside of projects and is a definite complement to his abilities as a talented voice actor and artist.
    I would recommend him for any project or role because I know he would give it his all while also contributing to everyone else's success.