

Not too experienced as a voice actor yet, so I hope I don't disappoint!

Joined Apr 2022 2 Following2 Followers
About Seri

Hello everyone! My name is Seri. 

  • 18 years old

  • Any pronouns

  • College student (Philosophy major)

What Seri is looking for

While I'm mainly looking for fun, I seek experience as well, because I want to improve my skills with my voice. I joined Casting Call Club because a friend of mine had a project they'd wanted voice actors for. The project was never completed due to conflict between those orchestrating it, but it was a blast to be a part of anyway, and I want to have more experiences like that in the future.

  • @ZZSh0rk

    Seri and I not only go back a few years, but we're also peers on a fandub together. His voice acting is very charming, and her accents are excellent.