

”I’m not good on staying on track when it comes to projects, because I get busy on other things and forget about them, but I try my best to stay on track, an this is why people have to be patient with me!”

Joined Apr 2021 11 Following20 Followers
About TigerTilldawn

I am not new to casting call club, Tiger Tilldawn is my old account I made when I was younger.

My Refrences: 

Video Editing: 

I have none yet

Writer (Song writing specifically):
I have none yet

Voice Actor: 
I have none yet

My age:


Things you should know about me:

1. I have ADHD.

2. I have trauma and anxiety.

3. I have anger issues

4. I’m not a kid so don’t act like I am even if I’m acting like a child, it’s not intentional it’s just my autism 
(not ADHD sorry at first I thought it was my adhd til I was diagnosed with autism)

5. I’m not oblivious that I can seem like I’m being toxic when I’m not.

6. I am very misunderstood

If you have any personal and in general questions please dm me!

  • @gunny-fraderiki

    We are friends, but it’s fun to work with her! We are working on a project together this isn’t the first though, Tiger has helped me with video editing a project of mine before and not only that but I gained a nice, lovely, amazing, traumatized, hyperactive, caring, and hardworking friend due to it! I appreciate Tiger for everything and not only that, I appreciate Tiger’s kindness and non-toxicity, that people claim Tiger has! She isn’t toxic at all!