

Joined Dec 2020 1 Following1 Followers
About TheStacheKing

Greetings from the King of Staches himself, welcome to my kingdom! I've always had a passion for Movies, Animations, TV series, Etc... and the work that is put in towards creating characters that can tug the heartstrings of its many viewers. Ever since I was young, I loved Theatre and during my early school years, I performed in a few school performances. Once I reached my older years and went into university, that passion slowly began to die out. However after a little bit of soul searching (or in short, me just trying to find a fun cool hobby XD), The fire has once again reignited, and now I hope to pursue voice acting as a side career. However I don't have the best of experience since this is the first time I'm trying out VA, but I will do my best to create a performance to remember.