

Creativity: I am hoping by helping others I can cultivaty my own : )

Joined Sep 2021 0 Following0 Followers
About TharkVid

Long time D&D player, Front of house Hospitality employee -bartender to busser. Manager of Linux admins.
You need a Nerd Herder to speak up for you. Let me.


If it is fun that is it, if it is effort beyond fun that has a price and am happy to talk about that.

What TharkVid is looking for

D&D fantasy / SciFi.  I would like to do scientific or even documentaries. 

  • @simplistixstudios

    Working with David on my project, Mad Dog City, was very fun. He always asked questions and for feedback on his work as to what I was looking for and what he could improve on. Someone who is willing to work with you and not just there to do the bare minimum is always a good thing. For his first voice acting gig portraying Luca, he did a job well done and you can see the improvements he made through each episode. I'm glad I took a chance on undertaking a noob and don't regret it. I would highly recommend him for anyone who enjoys dealing with people that want to improve and make the best project possible. 

    Mad Dog City: