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I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
My name is Dravin , always been a big fan of cartoons and voice acting since i was young. i've always wanted to be an actor. I do different style of voices and creatures I have voice in a few independent video games and I've even done some friends voicemails my thing is learning about the character and being them. I always like to know more of their backstory and create a voice for them.
i'm also a death metal gothic singer, ex role player of D&D vampire masqueradealso write poetry and some day i want to post my own cartoon i have ideas for..i have a stoner cartoon i want to make. Also working on a Golden age comic book radio show soon cartoon after.

Speaks: english
I know how to write and draw, and I love singing and acting, villain characters are my favorite, but, if you like my voice, I’ll do almost anything.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Writer, and Live Actor
I know how to write and draw, and I love singing and acting
Speaks: english
young artist/animator/voice actor. i make pokemon videos :P
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, and Writer
hello, i'm Crystal! i make Pokémon Eeveelution related videos on my YouTube channel: AwesomeEeveeTV. 
i'm a junior voice actor/artist/animator. i made this account so i could try and voice in various projects that i've taken interest in.
stay awesome~! <3(profile is Kuromi from Onegai My Melody)
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: amateur voice acting
Hey there, my name is Dust! i'm a writer/voice actor/artist looking for some work!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Hi there! I'm an artist and writer (and on occasion i do voices as well.)My name is Dust, Donnie or Kurtis. Whichever you prefer :}

Please, if you hire me for your project, give me direct orders! Most projects I've joined have failed to do so, therefor I never actually do a job for them. I'd like to be helpful :}
Speaks: english
Imma bit of a polymath/renaissance person. I'm an artist, author, actor, singer, voice actor and all around futurist.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Writer, and Live Actor
He/Ve/Ze pronouns.Call me Mordekai, Kai, or Hassan, pick your fav lol. Nice to meet everyone and I'm hoping to find work doing the things I love while helping breathe life into your projects!Some of my art can be seen on my Deviant Art account here: More art can be seen on my Instagram account here: (I do mainly cosplay videos) account here: have a lot of artwork that I am working hard to watermark and get posted, but if you contact me and want to see my portfolio I can accommodate you.
Grace Wright
Brand new to voice acting and hoping to find work soon!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Writer
Discord: Doodle058
Speaks: english
Voice Description: female adult
Search all 7127 writer michigander profiles