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I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, and Producer
I'm a freelance animator looking for voice actors for my game and shows that I'm working on.I can also do some voices as well.
Mostly I can only make a child or young adult sounding voice.I can kinda sorta do a campy leader voice but I'm not great at it (still workin' on it).
Ask me for my in messages if you wanna contact me off the site.
Speaks: english
Accents: texan
Voice Description: male teen male young adult
I love being married. It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, and Writer
I'm Archer. I'm a huge horror nerd and gamer. I'm a former line cook and devoted foodie. I love to feed people yummy things. I was born and raised in North West England, spending a lot of my free time of a weekend in Chinatown in Liverpool.  But now I happily reside in Southern Tasmania with my gorgeous wife and our cats.
During Christmas 2016, I broke my back in an accident at work and have been learning to walk again since then thanks to nerve damage and a general lack of sensation and motor control below the knee. I suffer with clinical depression, inattentive type ADHD, generalised anxiety disorder, and CPTSD stemming from childhood abuse and trauma. This means I might do things in a way that is a little different.
Aside from that I'm a reader, a gamer, a colourer, an eater... and a big ol' punky metalhead. I look forward to providing the weird British voice you ...
Speaks: english
Search all 8705 video editor Neat King Bee II profiles