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"Character is not just about who you are, it's about who you CHOOSE to be." -Anonymous
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, and Writer
Hello, my name is Carson.   I'm a self-starting voice actor with some big dreams of my own. It is my goal to bring stories to life and share the talent I have cultivated with the world. I love to write as a hobby and act out skits in my free time. After years of entertaining family and friends with my vocal talents, I've decided to work on my craft and someday land roles in big productions. I take criticism and I learn fast, so that someday I can look back on my work and be proud of how far I've come. Look out world! I'm not giving up!
I am a Voice Actor and Singer
Famed for his electrifying presence and remarkable vocal dexterity, Mike De La Morte shines as one of America's top emerging voice talents. Leveraging years of experience both onstage and in-studio, Mike infuses his performances with unparalleled intensity and authenticity, breathing life into a ever-expanding cast of original characters."Let's create something awesome together!"
WINNER: 1st Place - VBS Strawberry Cup Voice Acting Competition 2023!
Gear: Neumann TLM102, Universal Audio Apollo Solo, Adobe Audition, professionally treated sound booth.
Speaks: english
Game Developer - C# Programmer
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
Hey all!I'm the lead programmer and head of the Sonic Fan-Game: Sonic Velocity. Slowly (but surely) crawling my way out of high school with aspirations to one day work at some big game dev studios. Love working with a team of people to make something truly special.
Speaks: english
Hi! I'm a beginner voice actor and have experience in highschool theatre as a leading antagonist.I enjoy drawing, acting, and doing funny voices :P
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Writer, and Live Actor
Speaks: english
Local Yoshi connoisseur /w autism who does silly little guys. New to CCC!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Music Composer, Writer, and Live Actor
Hello there! You can call me Andl/Andy!I do various things and projects, all involving writing, singing, low chance of animating, but most importantly, acting and storytelling. I love acting and theater in all forms, as well as sharing the stories I create! I am pursuing acting in college and have starred in various plays before. I synergize best with "silly little guys," as I have been told by friends that I have that sort of charm.Some skills I posses are active listening, questioning, teamwork, and emotional intelligence skills.I am a very low stress worker and like doing things at my own pace, but every line I deliver will have passion behind it, and they'll be delivered in as much of a timely manner as I can make it!

PFP by cosmic_charlie
Speaks: english
Setup: obs
Just a young VO artist! 16 years old in the making, and in the process of getting better at guitar!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Hey there! Name's Cavaler, but y'all can call me Cav! (P.S, Cavaler is a pseudonym, take note)[redacted] <--- my business email, dunno why CCC redacted it.Well, I'm quite the music enthusiast, mostly 80's to 00's Metal / VG OST / Vocaloid. So I fiddle with the good ol' six strings. I'd say I'm decent at it.My VO? Quite new (started in '22 as a hobby), and am building up a rep currently. I'm very serious about my acting chops, so I give my all on every project. You can count on me!I'm also quite the grammar checker and character designer, as I've worked with an irl friend on her animation project. Not only that, I'm also a script writer for said project.Hey! Look at that! Voice Actor, Musician, a human Grammarly and a script writer! Ain't that nice for someone who hasn't even reached working age?Hmm? What's that? Oh, right! I'm still young, so keep that in mind. Hehe.
Voice Description: baby child male teen
Search all 5497 singer gentleman profiles