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I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Hi! I'm Taiga this is my stage name, I am a YouTuber who just happens to love voice acting. I've voice acted for quite a few YouTubers, and I'm wanting to expand my horizon of voice acting. I really do enjoy voice acting and I am fully committed to it. If you'd like me to be a voice actor for you, send me a message and I'm surely to reply to you as soon as I can. I am 24, so I'm able to do a teenager voice and a young adult. I am however, also able to do a higher pitch voice for a little kid.
How long have I been voice acting?I've started acting since I was around the age of 12, I was doing it for awhile but sadly had to back out of acting due to personal things when I was 14. However, I started to do voice acting at the age of 15 and never stopped. I love voice acting and I pray one day I can do some real life films.
Roleplays I've been in on YouTube: Heartbreaker, Griffin's D...
How long have I been voice acting?I've started acting since I was around the age of 12, I was doing it for awhile but sadly had to back out of acting due to personal things when I was 14. However, I started to do voice acting at the age of 15 and never stopped. I love voice acting and I pray one day I can do some real life films.
Roleplays I've been in on YouTube: Heartbreaker, Griffin's D...
Voice Description:
female adult
female child
female senior
female teen
female young adult
male adult
male child
male teen
male young adult

I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Hey! my name is Crystal I am an Australian YouTuber and I am working on a few roleplays for everyone to watch and also helping others with there ones as well. Contact me!Discord: CrystalNoteInstagram: @Crystal_NoteYTTwitter: @CrystalNote_
Voice Description:
female adult
female young adult
male adult
male teen
male young adult
pre-teen male
young male
Skills and Interests:
community management
discord server
team management

I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Director, and Producer
Hey hey you can call me Lei - been a gamer/geek my whole life and am loving to give my try at Voice Acting, so let's see if it goes anywhere!
You can find voice samples from my Demo Reel, previous submissions or clips from my Twitch page: or YouTube:
Contact Info:Twitter: @LeiAfkpuzDiscord: LeiAfkpuz
You can find voice samples from my Demo Reel, previous submissions or clips from my Twitch page: or YouTube:
Contact Info:Twitter: @LeiAfkpuzDiscord: LeiAfkpuz
Skills and Interests:
audio editing (basic)
community management
project management
team management

"I´m not planning to die, so my enemies might have to." 🖤
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
⊱───── •✧♡♢✧• ─────⊰
🏮Hey there! I go by Ella ^^
【 Basic Info 】- 🍁
✦ Name: Ella Asteria✦ Age group: 15-20✦ Experience: 1+ year
•┈••✦ I always get my lines done before the deadlines•┈••✦ I always do multiple takes on each line•┈••✦ open to feedback!
⊱───── •✧♡♢✧• ─────⊰
▹ 【 My Contact 】
❤︎ | Discord: ella asteria
⊱───── •✧♡♢✧• ─────⊰
【 My Ranges & Accents 】- 🍁
✦ Ranges: medium low - high✦ Ages: Young child - Senior✦ Accents: Canadian, Spanish, Korean, Russian & French. (Willing to expand!)✦ Languages: English, French & Spanish
⊱───── •✧♡♢✧• ─────⊰
【 Additional Abilities 】- 🍁
✦ Sobbing/crying: ✔︎✦ Screaming: ✔︎✦ Groaning: ✔︎✦ Growling: ✔︎
⊱───── •✧♡♢✧• ─────⊰
【 To Keep In Mind 】 - 🍁
✦ I Won't be taking part in any NSFW projects.✦ I Won't be auditioning for LGBTQ roles if their actions/dialogues/styles are too gay. :)
🏮Hey there! I go by Ella ^^
【 Basic Info 】- 🍁
✦ Name: Ella Asteria✦ Age group: 15-20✦ Experience: 1+ year
•┈••✦ I always get my lines done before the deadlines•┈••✦ I always do multiple takes on each line•┈••✦ open to feedback!
⊱───── •✧♡♢✧• ─────⊰
▹ 【 My Contact 】
❤︎ | Discord: ella asteria
⊱───── •✧♡♢✧• ─────⊰
【 My Ranges & Accents 】- 🍁
✦ Ranges: medium low - high✦ Ages: Young child - Senior✦ Accents: Canadian, Spanish, Korean, Russian & French. (Willing to expand!)✦ Languages: English, French & Spanish
⊱───── •✧♡♢✧• ─────⊰
【 Additional Abilities 】- 🍁
✦ Sobbing/crying: ✔︎✦ Screaming: ✔︎✦ Groaning: ✔︎✦ Growling: ✔︎
⊱───── •✧♡♢✧• ─────⊰
【 To Keep In Mind 】 - 🍁
✦ I Won't be taking part in any NSFW projects.✦ I Won't be auditioning for LGBTQ roles if their actions/dialogues/styles are too gay. :)
Voice Description:
female adult
female child
female senior
female teen
female young adult
male adult
male child
male senior
male teen
male young adult
video game

I am a Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Producer
american (northeast)
american (southeast)
american (southern)
brooklyn italian
general american (midwest)
general american (natural)
general southern united sates
italian american
new york italian
southern drawl
urban new york
Voice Description:
female adult
female child
female teen
female young adult
male adult
male senior
male teen
male young adult
Skills and Interests:
3d animation
3d artist
3d world modeling
amateur writer
amateur writing
animation 3d
character animation
comedy writing
creative development
creative thinking
electric bass
electric guitar
emotional voice acting
film editing
guitar (electric)
production management
project managing
proof reading
proof reading and writing
screen/script writing
script editing
script editor
script supervisor
script writer
script writing
song writer
team management
writing song lyrics

I am a Voice Actor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
american (midwest)
american (new york)
american (northeast)
american (southern)
american (west coast)
animal noises
Skills and Interests:
community management
production management
team management
time management
time traveler

I am a Producer
NSR Studios is an indie animation studio run by minors that focuses on gaining fame, recognition and experience rather than financial gain. By allowing flexible deadlines and adaptable projects, many of the staff working for NSR Studios find the work enjoyable and fun rather than a chore.Due to a low budget, the management team of NSR Studios attempts to rely on cooperation and teamwork rather than individual skills, taking on many people at once to get maximum efficiency on each project. This automatically means that the more people join, the easier the project becomes for everyone. Be the first.The team at NSR Studios focuses more on bringing up talent rather than taking on already talented workers, giving novices the chance to prove themselves in their respective industries.