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A native English voice actor with a World Voice.
I am a Voice Actor, Audio Engineer, and Producer
A native English voice actor with a World Voice. Working predominantly with technology, finance and education fields but no stranger to many more. My warm, engaging, friendly voice helps to educate clients, calm customers and highlight key aspects or features that if left just to text, may get glossed over.  With over 25 years and counting involved in the audio and events industry from on-stage to the editing desk! From a career in technology and customer service, solving the problem and helping people is my sunlight. Think of it like having that friendly tech-savvy neighbour who loves to get involved with the deeper side of the explanation. Easy enough to understand and great with handling simple explanations or in-depth jargon. Need to live direct? With a multitude of connection methods this is not a problem. Making use of a variety of connection methods, catering to the clients nee...
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Hello! I am an up-and-coming voice actor with a wide range and a talent for singing.
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: modern singing rapping
Professional Actor, Voice Actor and Director. GMT TIME.  Recently graduated from Staffordshire University, Acting for Stage and Screen with First Class. 
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Professional Actor, Voice Actor and Director. GMT TIME. Looking for any type of work. Looking for any work free or paid. Always handle my roles in a professional manner. I am a twitch streamer who mostly streams on Red Dead Redemption 2'sprivate Roleplay server 'WildRP' (See YouTube link for work around WildRP - 
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: long range voice modern singing
Twitch and Youtube Partner!! Full time blacksmith and vocalist!!!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Producer, and Live Actor
Hey there, I'm TheReluctantHermit, your friendly neighborhood jack-of-all-trades! As a Twitch Partner and YouTube Partner, I love sharing my adventures in gaming, crafting, and everything in between with an amazing community of like-minded individuals.When I'm not busy entertaining folks online, you can often find me delving into the world of medieval martial arts. There's something incredibly satisfying about mastering the techniques of centuries past and bringing history to life through combat.But wait, there's more! I also dabble in the ancient art of blacksmithing. There's just something magical about shaping metal with fire and hammer, creating tangible works of art and utility with my own two hands.And if that wasn't enough, I have another passion: music. Specifically, the raw power of rock and metal. Whether I'm shredding on stage as a vocalist or just jamming out in my own spa...
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male adult
Don't be afraid to reach out to me if you need anything or have any questions!
I am a Writer, Director, and Producer
Hi, I'm Sierra, or Sisi if you prefer! I'm passionate about writing and creating projects, which is why I joined Casting Call. Feel free to reach out- my discord is Urfavpwwsonever and my email is! I’m always excited to collaborate and help out were I can!
Speaks: english
I am a Director and Producer
Speaks: english
Accents: any
Setup: Any Any
Voice Description: any any
Skills and Interests: 2d animation 2d animator 3d animation acapella singing adobe animate alto singing alto singing voice amateur actor amateur animator amateure animator amateur video editing amateur voice acting animatic animatic artist animation animation 3d audio engineering voice acting baritone (singing) bass singer bass singing bass singing voice blockbench modeler/animator cartoon animation character acting character animation choir singer chorus animation classical and modern singing classically trained baritone singer classically trained singer classical singing comedic voice acting emotional acting emotional voice acting film acting flash animation frame by frame animation game animator gaming and voice acting gundham tanaka horror acting intermediate audio and video editing jazz singing live acting liveaction acting make videos metal screaming/singing method acting middle range singing minecraft animation minecraft animator minecraft body acting minecraft voice acting minor video editing modern singing mongolian throat singing musical theatre style singing (professionally trained) narrations / voice acting / audio editing opera singer opera singing photography/videography pixel animation pop/rb singing possible voice acting powerpoint animating practicing voice acting pre production animation producer/writer/voice actor producing videos rapping singing recording videos rock and metal singing rookie singer rough animation screen acting scripts and acting sfm animation sfm animator singing singing (alto) singing (amateur) singing (baritone) singing (basic) singing (covers) singing (mezzo soprano) singing/songwriting singing (soprano / high alto) sprite animation stage acting stickman animator storyboard artist story boarding theater acting theatre acting theatrical acting theatrical singing throat singing traditional animation trained actor tv acting tweening animation video animation video creating video creator/editor video editer video editing video editing (advanced) video editing after effects video editing (basic) video editing (davinci resolve) video editing (hitfilm) video editing premier video editing (premiere pro) video making video production video recorder vocal acting vocals/singing voice acting voice acting (beginner) voice acting singing voice over acting voice over/acting voice over artist/actor
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Animator, Video Editor, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
I have autism and I am good at voice acting.
Speaks: english
Accents: ohio
Hello there! im looking to voice act for different roleplays, mostly Minecraft. Im a builder, VA, and a singer, and i could also do voice covers of songs.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Animator, and Producer
Discord: imstalkingdevin TikTok: .sweetamyrose
Voice Description: 16 female teen neutral
Search all 5693 producer modern singing profiles