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Search all 893 live actor yandere profiles
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Live Actor
Looking to be a voice actor with big dreams and an even bigger voice! Trying to get into some projects and get my foot in the door. I am very committed! <3 My discord is: Bumblebee#2216
Accents: southern texan
Setup: blue yeti
Gamer girl that can kinda sing.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, and Live Actor
Professional Yandere wannabe, I love doing anything high-pitched, crazy and fun, but i can do a bit of everything. I mostly voice act and write, i sing for funsies. Ps. The 'kinda' in the HL was for comedic purposes.
Walking amongst the see of stars
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
Hello! I'm Micah/Furin! I am a seventeen year old transmasculine nonbinary that goes by He/They pronouns! I usually don't have much free time but I am free at 5pm to 8pm on weekdays and 12pm to 6pm on weekends; these times were made in an EST perspective. Thanks for reading!
Speaks: english
Search all 893 live actor yandere profiles