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I am a Voice Actor and Live Actor
Hey there! My name is Shawn. I'm a midwest actor with 9+ years of onscreen experience and 7+ years of voice over experience in various projects. Always looking for work in both fields to hone my craft. Lets chat!
Speaks: english
The Profile Picture was made by Ibby The Ibster
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, and Live Actor
Hello! I am Lazy Biscuit. An Aspiring voice actor for whatever project you need! (With the exception of NSFW Projects. I won't work on those.) I love doing various silly voices and making people laugh! I have Autism so I apologize in advance if I don't understand you. I just need a bit more direction on what is needed. Thank you for visiting my profile and have a nice day!
Voice Description: male adult male senior
Insta: inferno_cactus27Email: [email protected]: InfernoCactus27#9620
I am a Voice Actor and Live Actor
- Highschool Alumni- I love to game
- Avid Gym Goer
- Sketch Artist- My main love is definitely voice acting, pretending to be characters from games or movies is my absolute favorite.
Note: I have had a little experience in acting, and frequently practice impressions and accents
Voice Description: male young adult
Skills and Interests: voice acting
Have been in love with Minecraft Roleplays since I was younger.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Writer, Producer, and Live Actor
Hello There! I am a voice actor and I would love to voice your project. Discord: Quade S. #8963
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
Please listen to my Demo Reel before reading:My name is Quade! With seven years of training in Musical Theater, I am talented in a wide range of voices and impressions of characters/people. My normal speaking voice is very distinct while my character voices can vary from a menacing villain to an entertaining cartoon character!
 When choosing my projects, I find and audition for roles that will not only challenge me as an actor, but grow myself as a person. I do have two rules when it comes to working on your projects: I will not participate in NSFW content nor will I speak any kind of explicit language for the character that I am voicing. Please contact me about opportunities that you may have for me! 
Speaks: english
Hi, my name is Jaleel. I have autism. And I love acting and voice acting.
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Live Actor
Accents: rough voice
Voice Description: male adult male young adult
Skills and Interests: character acting
Robin Rue, the Purposeful Energy
Add my strength to yours, and may the fruits of our labors shine with brilliance! Teamwork, flexibility, timeliness, and originality; the show most go on! My creative touch and musicality are certain to be memorable and cohesive additions to your projects.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Live Actor
My name is Robin Rue, and I'm a 26 year old trans female with a spark for the creative and thought-provoking. We each have a story to tell, lessons to learn, and love to share, and we all deserve our spotlight!
Speaks: english
Search all 1300 live actor rough voice profiles