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Search all 2809 live actor reading and talking profiles
"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young."                               ―  Henry Ford
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, and Live Actor
I'm ready, willing and up for a chance to put my skills to the test. It's good to be here and I can't wait to get started. I myself love a good challenge and I'm very loyal and committed to what I do. I put my heart and soul into my actions even if it may seem minor. My voices are a bit out there, ranging from, over the top to unexpected than your typical choices, but that's just how the world is I guess, I'm not that one note after all. Still I look forward to working with you all. I can't wait to get started.
Speaks: english
Voice Description: female adult music song
I am a Writer and Live Actor
I am a high school student who fell in love with Minecraft roleplays and have always wanted to become an amazing and inspiring producer/content creator just like my idol.
Speaks: english
Accents: australian
Skills and Interests: reading and talking
Aspiring Voice Actor for any projectNew Zealand basedEmail me at - [email protected] - arx_rose
I am a Voice Actor and Live Actor
Hi, my name is Tyler Grant

A New Zealand based actor.I am a young adult looking to voice for characters for video games and animations. Willing to do e-books, narrations, commentary or whatever your heart desires.

I have played video games and enjoy anime/animations.

Speaks: english
Voice Description: male teen
Skills and Interests: reading and talking voice over
Creator of Knoyva, an original story about magic and healing from trauma! Dm me at my discord (pinkceku)!!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Writer, and Live Actor
Hi hi hello! My name is pinkCeku! I am an inspiring creator, artist, singer and voice actor! One day I'm hoping to produce my stories and share them to the world!Please check out my story Knoyva! It would be very much appreciated if you helped out or even shared!
A beautiful voice in this chaotic world!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, and Live Actor
From what I understand, voice over work covers many different topics. Reading, TV, Radio, Comercial, animation, Sports and much more! I’m open to working on any project. I can’t think of anything that I would consider out of my wheelhouse. I love to learn new skills. I am very easy to work with. I’m very  experienced in reading. I have also just started writing my first children’s book. It’s going to be a series of 5 books. I believe that I have many skills to bring to the table. I would love to learn more creative skills and being a part of Casting Call Club can open many doors for me. 
Speaks: english
Typically streaming on Twitch, so you want or need a way to hear who I am while not in character. 
I am a Voice Actor and Live Actor
Speaks: english
Accents: british
I am a Voice Actor and Live Actor
Voice Description: male adult monster
Skills and Interests: reading and talking
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, and Live Actor
Speaks: english
Accents: english
Setup: computer
Voice Description: female teen
Skills and Interests: reading and talking
Search all 2809 live actor reading and talking profiles