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Search all 3067 director middle range singing profiles

I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Producer
19 | Voice Actor | SingerMicrophone - AT2020Recording/Editing Software - Sony Vegas Pro 16PC Specs:CPU - Ryzen 7 5800xGPU - AMD RX 6600 XTMotherboard - Tomahawk B550
Voice Description:
female adult
female child
female teen
female young adult
male teen
male young adult

If you need help with odd jobs, directing or random voices for characters on your project let me know. I don't even need to be there long term. I'd be happy to help.
I am a Writer, Director, and Producer
Hello I'm Catherine!
I'm Hispanic and British living in the UK.
Age: 14
Time Zone: GMT +1
Birthday: 11/07/2008
Director I can help you assemble a team, help communicate your ideas to your cast, Ensure everyone is doing their job and ensure everyone is happy with how the project is going with constant check ins.
Producer Line Producer - In terms of time lines, coordinating and schedules I could be of great help. however calculating budget is not something I'm well acquainted in.Impact Producer - I've made promo videos and some art for previous projects outside of CCC, sent out professional emails and worked with people to find the best way to spread the word.
Writer Character Writing - I can build whole personalities for characters that are in great depth and fit perfectly into story lines. Working with Voice Actors and Directors to furth...
I'm Hispanic and British living in the UK.
Age: 14
Time Zone: GMT +1
Birthday: 11/07/2008
Director I can help you assemble a team, help communicate your ideas to your cast, Ensure everyone is doing their job and ensure everyone is happy with how the project is going with constant check ins.
Producer Line Producer - In terms of time lines, coordinating and schedules I could be of great help. however calculating budget is not something I'm well acquainted in.Impact Producer - I've made promo videos and some art for previous projects outside of CCC, sent out professional emails and worked with people to find the best way to spread the word.
Writer Character Writing - I can build whole personalities for characters that are in great depth and fit perfectly into story lines. Working with Voice Actors and Directors to furth...
english (british)
Skills and Interests:
middle range singing

Your local everything hobbyist![They/Them]
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Hi! I'm Tert, (Or Tillian) and I am an Australian Voice Actor, Artist, Writer, Animator, Musician and honestly probably everything else you can think of.
My Art Portfolio!
I am currently working on a Murder Drones Visual Novel fangame!
I am the lead director, artist and writer for this fangame and would love to obtain other passionate people who are interested in murder drones as well! Voice acting is not necessary at this moment but we are currently after creative writers, background artists programmers and audio engineers for our project! It would be lovely if you were to join us.
All of my socials, (including discord) Is TinyTert :)
My Art Portfolio!
I am currently working on a Murder Drones Visual Novel fangame!
I am the lead director, artist and writer for this fangame and would love to obtain other passionate people who are interested in murder drones as well! Voice acting is not necessary at this moment but we are currently after creative writers, background artists programmers and audio engineers for our project! It would be lovely if you were to join us.
All of my socials, (including discord) Is TinyTert :)

I am a Director and Producer
Skills and Interests:
2d animation
2d animator
3d animation
acapella singing
adobe animate
alto singing
alto singing voice
amateur actor
amateur animator
amateure animator
amateur video editing
amateur voice acting
animatic artist
animation 3d
audio engineering voice acting
baritone (singing)
bass singer
bass singing
bass singing voice
blockbench modeler/animator
cartoon animation
character acting
character animation
choir singer
chorus animation
classical and modern singing
classically trained baritone singer
classically trained singer
classical singing
comedic voice acting
emotional acting
emotional voice acting
film acting
flash animation
frame by frame animation
game animator
gaming and voice acting
gundham tanaka
horror acting
intermediate audio and video editing
jazz singing
live acting
liveaction acting
make videos
metal screaming/singing
method acting
middle range singing
minecraft animation
minecraft animator
minecraft body acting
minecraft voice acting
minor video editing
modern singing
mongolian throat singing
musical theatre style singing (professionally trained)
narrations / voice acting / audio editing
opera singer
opera singing
pixel animation
pop/rb singing
possible voice acting
powerpoint animating
practicing voice acting
pre production animation
producer/writer/voice actor
producing videos
rapping singing
recording videos
rock and metal singing
rookie singer
rough animation
screen acting
scripts and acting
sfm animation
sfm animator
singing (alto)
singing (amateur)
singing (baritone)
singing (basic)
singing (covers)
singing (mezzo soprano)
singing (soprano / high alto)
sprite animation
stage acting
stickman animator
storyboard artist
story boarding
theater acting
theatre acting
theatrical acting
theatrical singing
throat singing
traditional animation
trained actor
tv acting
tweening animation
video animation
video creating
video creator/editor
video editer
video editing
video editing (advanced)
video editing after effects
video editing (basic)
video editing (davinci resolve)
video editing (hitfilm)
video editing premier
video editing (premiere pro)
video making
video production
video recorder
vocal acting
voice acting
voice acting (beginner)
voice acting singing
voice over acting
voice over/acting
voice over artist/actor

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney | She/Him
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Writer, and Director
Hello, my name is Mika but you can call me Bee if you prefer!Beginner director, artist, writer, and voice actorVery passionate about my work ^_^Have a good day!

I love creating all types of fantasy, horror, and comedy series, skits, and short films! All using Gacha Life 2, since I can’t draw lol
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, Director, and Producer
I’m 16 and love voice acting, hoping to make it at least a part time gig one day! I can go from high tone female to mid tone male, fast paced excited speech to tired and slow, and I can do all sorts of emotional stuff!
american (southern)
british (posh)
generic french
western american
Voice Description:
female adult
female child
female senior
female teen
female young adult
male adult
male child
male senior
male teen
male young adult
Skills and Interests:
amateur artist
amateur musician
background art design
baritone (singing)
character artist
emotional acting
emotional voice acting
high tone singing
middle range singing
singing (amateur)
singing (covers)
singing (soprano / high alto)
special effects designing
visual effects