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I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
I am fairly new to Voice Over work so I am still working on perfecting my audio reel; it will be up soon though!
I have been acting on stage for about 5 years, starting in college. I have been in numerous productions and played a variety of roles, including a production of "Hamlet" where I played Polonius, and a production of "The Dumb Waiter" by Harold Pinter. My father runs a local radio station where I occasionally provide a voice for advertising.
I also run games of Dungeons and Dragons for my friends, where I use my vocal talents to role-play the characters in the game. You could say I am very passionate about acting in many of its forms.
Contact me if you need a voice and let's work on some art!
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male adult male young adult
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