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I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Artist
Hellois! ^O^/
I'm Rimi, and I am an amateur voice actor, singer, and artist.
I specialize in voicing a child to teens range (high pitched). Feel free to contact me through CCC if you'd like me to audition for your project! I'd be more than happy to accept your request! I also have a Fiverr page, if you would like to check that out. There, you can request me to voice a character or to do any other voiceover.
I love to sing J-pop and many other types of Japanese music, as well as K-pop.
I have been fascinated with drawing ever since I was very little, and I still do love art! Right now, I am experimenting with digital art and trying to learn more and more about digital art, so that I can one day create an art piece through technology.
Thank you for visiting my CCC page~~ ^U^
I'm Rimi, and I am an amateur voice actor, singer, and artist.
I specialize in voicing a child to teens range (high pitched). Feel free to contact me through CCC if you'd like me to audition for your project! I'd be more than happy to accept your request! I also have a Fiverr page, if you would like to check that out. There, you can request me to voice a character or to do any other voiceover.
I love to sing J-pop and many other types of Japanese music, as well as K-pop.
I have been fascinated with drawing ever since I was very little, and I still do love art! Right now, I am experimenting with digital art and trying to learn more and more about digital art, so that I can one day create an art piece through technology.
Thank you for visiting my CCC page~~ ^U^
kansai dialect
Voice Description:
female teen
cardcaptor sakura
mahou shoujo

Imma bit of a polymath/renaissance person. I'm an artist, author, actor, singer, voice actor and all around futurist.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Writer, and Live Actor
He/Ve/Ze pronouns.Call me Mordekai, Kai, or Hassan, pick your fav lol. Nice to meet everyone and I'm hoping to find work doing the things I love while helping breathe life into your projects!Some of my art can be seen on my Deviant Art account here: More art can be seen on my Instagram account here: (I do mainly cosplay videos) account here: have a lot of artwork that I am working hard to watermark and get posted, but if you contact me and want to see my portfolio I can accommodate you.

I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Artist
Voice Description:
female adult
female child
female teen
male child
Skills and Interests:
amateur voice acting
character acting
character design
evil laugh
laughing maniacally
loli voice
loud voice
middle range singing
original voices
pokemon noises
psychotic villain voice
psychotic voice
robotic voice
rock and metal singing
singing (basic)
voice acting (beginner)
voice acting singing