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Small-time indie game dev, Twitch streamer, graphic design artist.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Real name: Seán LarssonCountry: CanadaSpoken Languages: English and French (Canadian)
I'm an amateur voice actor, 3D digital artist, game designer, and the occasional twitch streamer. My main project is Pouchie The Cat: An indie pixel platformer I started developing in college, and has since evolved into a much bigger game than just a demo. My plan is to finish the game, as well as create new games in the future.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Music Composer, and Writer
 I’m a voice actor, singer, writer, cosplayer, artist, impressionist, and more. I talk about my characters and fandoms I'm in a lot. 
Speaks: english
My previous game, Fazbear Frights Custom Night:
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
My name is GABI Carvalho and I am a 18 years old teenager, an expert sfm animator, musician, developer, modeler, great porter, and an awesome guy
Skills and Interests: blender cinema4d unreal engine
Indie Horror Game Designer
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
I develop horror video games, sometimes inspired off of Five Nights at Freddy's. I'm always working hard, but sometimes unable to do everything needed for the game's perfection, which is why I look for talented people on this website to help with my projects. I've worked with: @ross-k @green-onion @tenno 
Speaks: english
Accents: american
Hiya, Im Jordan. Great to meet you!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Video Editor
I'm a 23 Year old guy from the United Kingdom.
Also a current University student studying 3D design, specifically centered around the Videogame Genre (although my 3D experience can be used widely for CAD product design, Character art, World Building and Asset Design, Movie VFX, and much more).I'm new here so I hope you enjoy my profile and submissions.Hoping to do some freelance work to build up a portfolio or perhaps make a demo reel for future auditions.
Speaks: english
A curious fella who'd like to get into Voice acting, Further expand his Writing & Digital art skills |
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Writer
Salutations fellow viewer!I'm Max, Max Shaw, GeneralLaura, Notorious R|A|T, and other usernames here.I'm a creative writer who is currently looking for work within the industry after finishing my MA in Creative Practice and BA in Games Design.The main passion that drives me is of course as you may have guessed. Writing.Be it creating characters, worldbuilding, plot hooks, or episodic adventures, the act of creative writing drives me to improve my craft, creating the best of the best when it comes to my storytelling.Alongside writing, I've also decided to expand my skills into other creative outlets. This includes digital art, animation, and voice acting, all of which have been both a challenge and a blast to learn and discover ways to further enhance my narrative work.I enjoy both writing solo, as well as within a team, working off each other's ideas, and bouncing off our creative pro...
Speaks: english
I am a Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Director
I'm a portuguese gamedev, designer, artist, animator.
I used to make all of my 3D stuff (including games) in Dreams PS4/PS5, now I'm moving on to Blender and Unreal Engine 5 Feel free to apply to any available roles I put out!
Stay tuned for when I put out any other roles that might become available!
Yo I do streaming and YouTube I have done voice acting stuff in the past
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Speaks: english
I am a Artist and Director
Hi! I'm Starlit Studio's
I've always dreamed of making a fnaf fangame and I've finally gained the courage to try it out
I'm not a well known creator, which scares off many, but I'd like to change that someday.
Speaks: english
3D artist for game and animation, creator of "Varek's Journey"
I am a Artist and Animator
French 3D artist that loves everything that touches medieval dark fantasy (warhammer, witcher ect..) and sandbox games (Space Engineers, Star citizen).

Yet looking for a stable job but meanwhile I'm searching I'm creating "Varek's Journey". A series about anthropomorphic animals living in a dangerous medieval fantasy world.
Speaks: french
Voice Description: 30 male adult
3D Enviroment Artist
I am a Artist and Video Editor
Multidisciplinary artist on the audiovisual media, career focus on 3Dmodeling, environment concept design, and environment concept art.Lover of worlds with storytelling.
Voice Description: male young adult
A varity content creator on Youtube, who has a huge imagination when it comes to roleplaying
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Hello, my name is Galactic_Chaos_. I am varity content creator on Youtube, that does video games, art, roleplay series, and much more. I am interested in Voice Acting for any projects. But for my Roleplay Projects, I looking for Body Actors and Voice Actors. My Roleplay Projects will be in Fortnite (For now)
Speaks: english
3D Environmental Artist
I am a Artist
Trying to do some freelance work with the 1.5 years of experience I have garnered through art school. Just starting to get my name out there.
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: 3d modeling photoshop Texturing
May the winds favour you and of course, as always, "Stay Goolish my friends!"
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Voice Description: male adult