

Are you looking for someone who does cutesy chicks, villainesses, babies, young boys or even a Lovecraft creature? Well hire this woman for your non-profit project (wether it be object show, narration, dubs and vice versa) 

Joined Jun 2019 13 Following18 Followers
About SwaggieVortex733VA

Hi there!

My name is Rebecca K. Lunetta and I am a voiceover artist, impressionist, music composer (over on BandLab) and graphic designer/artist

When it comes to voice acting, I would imitate the character the best I can and add the effects to the voice lines to bring it to life

SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/rk_lunetta
BandLab: www.bandlab.com/swaggievortex7…
DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/swaggievortex733va
YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCskAQ…
Twitter: twitter.com/RKVortex733V
Tumblr: swaggievortex733va.tumblr.com/
Reddit: www.reddit.com/user/BeccaXSpri…
Instagram: (Only those who I know very well online and trust!)
Discord: (Only those who I know very well online and trust!)
Skype: (Only those who are EXTREMELY trustworthy and know me well!)

  • @jesoysauce

    It is a pleasure, yet a crime to be Rebbeca's first recommendation.

    Swaggie is an excellent voice actor, with all different kinds of range, lots of inflection, hell, she can sing! She cares about every project she works on. I know this, because we work on about 20+ different projects together, and she juggles them around like it's nothing. She's an amazing VA, and I highly recommend hiring her. Even though she doesn't use casting call much anymore