

Joined Sep 2018 0 Following0 Followers
About Superstorm

Hello there. If you're reading this then that must mean you're interested in the going-on's of an aspiring talented writer... or your just here to stalk my profile and probably leave mean comments but either way I appreciate the fact that you've decided to read this far.

My real name is Scott Paterson and I am Scottish. Now unless this is the first thing on my profile you're reading, you probably might notice that the Accent's section of my attributes doesn't say Scottish anywhere. That's not a mistake, I actually lost my original accent. I've lived in Scotland all my life (so far at least) so you might be wondering how that happened.

Anyway, as far as I can remember I'm pretty sure I always had a talent for writing but it wasn't until college that I fully realised it and unfortunately I didn't get much of an opportunity to really pursue any degree's or anything for it. That being said, much of what I learned was learned from example. I learned how to describe and emphasise emotion's from movies and how to describe and emphasise sensations from (the very few) books I've read and how the most important part of any story is the characters you create for it.

This is the part I would probably consider the most important in this biography about me. To put it bluntly, I'm an introverted, autistic night owl with a bit of a faulty memory and God know's how many other issue's whom is also addicted to pizza, likes watching anime and play's video games almost religiously. You might think these are all bad things (except for the pizza part) but some of these 'flaws' actually really helped to shape my creativity and make me who I am. Hell I would say I'd have never found my talent for writing if it wasn't for me playing so many video games and watching anime. You're probably thinking "Oh this guy probably just writes fanfic's all day then." to which I reply: "Actually I've never written a fanfic before. Look buddy, I may be awkward but there are lines even I don't cross."

To give you an awareness of what I'm capable of and willing to do, I tried to write a HUGE webcomic back before I left college. Sadly it didn't quite work out as I don't really have much in the way of money to pay for a decent artist and any artist who was willing to do it for free backed out due to life issues or reconsidering their ability to handle this project. This was all before I even knew this website existed so hopefully one day, maybe, my webcomic might have another fighting chance to happen.

Holy crap. Looking at how much I've written so far, I'm really emphasising just how much I like writing, aren't I? I should of course mention that I've never really worked on many projects of any kind outside of my attempt at a webcomic, unless you count 300 letter essay's I was forced to write about mediocre films back in Highschool. I wasn't being humble about the "Aspiring" part in the first paragraph. I'm an ambitious motherf***er but I'm still technically learning so if you think I'm good for a project, you may need to bear with me through it as I don't have much experience yet.

I believe that's everything I have to talk about for now. Oh, you're probably still wondering how I lost my accent aren't you? Well that's a bit of a personal story but maybe I'll tell you one day if we ever find ourselves working together in a project. Superstorm out!

  • @deleted140017

    Superstorm wrote a series of twelve scripts for me, for an audio drama called "The Mage and the Knight."

    Throughout the whole process, he was communicative, responded quickly to emails and messages, and was always open to suggestions and was flexible in his approach.

    He provided me with clear instructions for the different characters and also included many written instructions throughout his scripts. He was also willing to clarify and discuss things along the way.

    - Understands characterisation
    - Great plot development and good pacing
    - Knows how to create a detailed fantasy setting
    - Knows how to work various themes into a storyline

    His turnaround was also very fast - I found him to be a reliable and fun person to work with.