Violet Evergarden: Another Perspective FanDub
TheDawnCatcher for Cattleya Baudelaire

Cattleya is a woman with intense and passionate emotions. Although she possesses great strength, she is very feminine and can be quite sensitive, and is constantly worrying about her appeal towards Hodgins. She is a very talented Doll who is experienced in love, which is why she is usually put in charge of lovesick clients. She treasures the concept of love, be it romantic, fraternal, platonic, sibling, or companion. She believes that love is necessary for living as it is like a symbol of happy things. However, she states that she doesn't fully understand romantic love and thinks love is uncertain, but can tell when it happens. Cattleya is shown to be a very warm, kind, and welcoming person, which is shown when she instantly warmed up to Violet and helped her with her work as a Doll. She is someone who has realistic a view on life, as she knows that words have different meanings depending on who hears them and that words don't simply tell people everything. She is understanding of people and can easily empathize with others.
Cattleya also has a cheerful, sassy and teasing side to her and is someone who expects favors to be repaid. She is rather straightforward and vehement with Hodgins and enjoys teasing him about his given name, but she doesn't have any bad intentions in whatever she does. She also has a rivalry with Benedict and argues with him constantly. She is a prideful woman who dislikes being casually touched by others, and she also dislikes being alone since it makes her feel as if she has no charm. Although she is self-confident and is considered pompous, she doesn't believe herself to be one of those charismatic individuals who people are naturally gathered around.
Cattleya is a very mature woman who is able to take things seriously and calmly. She is very polite and soft-spoken, rarely seen raising her voice or being provoked by others. However, she is not afraid to voice her opinions or properly scold people when they make a mistake. She is also very physically strong, which gives her the habit of trying to solve everything with force because she has confidence in her physical strength. Despite being a beautiful adult with a mature appeal, Cattleya can actually display a very childish and naïve personality, especially around Hodgins. She is noted to act like a child when things don't go the way she wants, and comes off as honest and blunt. She also likes being praised whenever she does something good. Despite that, she is a reliable person who loves supporting other people as well as when people come to her for advice or help. Cattleya claims that she has an older-sister kind of vibe to her and feels comfortable taking on that role.
Um, first off... How much do you know about what Auto Memory Dolls do? *suddenly realizing* Oh! That reminds me, I haven't introduced the other Dolls to you yet. "Doll" refers to... *Violet tells you she already knows what Dolls is abbreviated for* That's right.
*upset with Hodgins since he told Violet the truth - scold* Why did you tell her? *Hodgins tries to explain himself* Idiot! You always have the worst timing! To top it off, you have no idea how women feel! Hurry up and go find her already!
*Benedict enters the room - scowl - angry sudden noise* Will you get over it already? *arguing* Huh? I'm the one with a problem?

When I listened to your Luculia Audition, my immediate thought was “Cattleya! Cattleya!” I was Excited to see your Audition as Cattleya!!

Oh, thank you so much! That's why I audition for as many roles as possible. I may not be right for something, but someone else will surely fit!

Absolutely! And I love seeing multiple characters auditioned for!