Y Cŵn Annwn [ee-koon-ann-when] (the hounds of Annwn)

Richard Gibson for Fosse [Foss] (assimar) - fortuneteller

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Fosse [Foss] (assimar) - fortuneteller
Deferred: Agreed Amount
cast offsite

Fosse if the fortune teller of the circus, using their powers to scam the visitors of the circus.

He has angelic lineage, making him seem very trustworthy to other people, but to the people that know him, know that he is actually very cunning and snake like, even though everyone else in the circus loves him, he will always try and find a way to prank his friends.

 he is ferociously loyal to the ring leader Annwn, as they saved him from being sent back to the ethereal plane and essentially executed, and because of this Fosse has became one of Annwns best performers and hitman.  

  • english
Voice description:
  • Sharp
  • male adult
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • Cunning
  • Soft
  • "hmmm... yes, hang on i'm getting something... if you donate 100 gold to the circus, great fortune is coming your way"

  • "ha, played him like a fucking rube, what an idiot"

  • "what's up Annwn? you never usually call me away from those gullible rich pricks"

Richard Gibson
Y Cŵn Annwn [ee-koon-ann-when] (the hounds of Annwn)

I love your take, your interpretation of this character gives him dimension and more of a villainous air. You sell this character hands down.

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