
Crazy as usual for Eden Arlington (EE-den AR-lin-tun)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Eden Arlington (EE-den AR-lin-tun)
Role assigned to: Catathyst


Eden is a pretty confident and reckless person. She would do anything for her best friend Skye (as well as her friend Madeline and her brother Ryan) which includes stepping into a giant portal with her.

Eden is 15 and a pretty normal teenager until she stepped into a portal which changes hers and her friends lives forever. Now though, after getting back to the real world, she hates reality, but she also wants to find Scarlett.

She is one of the lead characters.

  • english
Voice description:
  • all american accents
  • all english accents
  • all accents
  • american (northeast)
  • canadian english
  • english
  • english (american)
  • Reckless
  • daring
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • english (british)
  • a
  • warm
  • american (new york)
  • american (southern)
  • kind
  • "What’s it to you anyway? You just hide in Sadie’s shadow all the time." *annoyed*

  • "So um, Emmie…does this person know that they can make portals?" *curious, concerned*

  • "Our home…finally…" *relieved, happy*


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