Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship Edition
Faux Synder for Blue-Eyes White Dragon

An innocent sage reincarnated into a ruthless killing machine. While on the outside Blue-Eyes is a ruthless engine of destruction, internally the soul of the priestess who's soul created it still yearns to rest easily and not hurt anyone. While she hates the idea of hurting people, she is none the less aware of and willing to use her phenomenal strength to protect herself. She takes no pleasure in the destruction she causes as a dragon, but recognizes it as a tool vital to her survival.
For her voice, all of Blue-Eyes' dialogue is internal, so while others will hear dragon roars, the sage inside will try and fail to communicate. She should have an air of sadness about her. She's caught in a situation that she hates, and wants nothing more than to get away from her own beastly form. She's not a coward though. If all else fails and she has to fight, she'll fight with all her power to attempt to win. I want her voice to reflect both halves, both her melancholy nature and drive to survive when pushed far enough. The third line is again, meant to be called out like a fighting game attack, see the description of the project for the sort of direction that entails.
- female teen
- female young adult
Please . . . don’t fight me. You don’t stand a chance.
His power! It’s overwhelming. If I don’t stop him…Alright, prepare to fight!
I'll blow you away! Burst Stream of Destruction!