LEGO Punisher: The Series
Joseph Bozlinski for Frank Castle/The Punisher

(If you want a source of origin, look at The Punisher on Marvel Wiki)
We are looking for an older, less angry version of Frank Castle. He has avenged his family's death and has been the Punisher for a long time. He feels small and powerless in the world of such powerful superhumans. He's had time to think and is right on the fence between who he was and who he may become in time. However, he can still be pushed to either side...
- animation
- fandub
- male adult
- male senior
- animation/character
People like you don't give up. You're a fighter like your pa, but more than that, you're a good person.
When I was given this chance, this pardon... it made me realize I don't have to be the Punisher anymore. I can choose a different path, and I want to find some semblance of peace. If that's even possible for someone like me.
Yes, your honor. The Punisher is dead.