Frontier Stories from Starfield ~ Season 1
Cursed with Glorious Purpose for "The Pinholes" ~ Ginger Eix (pronounced Icks), First Mate, Kerkhoven (F)
Sleepy monotone female voice, late 30s. Very serious and unflappable under pressure. Even her shouts and screams seem measured. (Example: Laurel, the coroner from Men in Black)
- english
- female adult
- Like Laurel the coroner from Men in Black
Oh, Captain Holbrook. I didn’t see you there with the lights off. 18 Why are you still awake? I got up to use the chamber. Noticed the light was off in the cockpit, which seem peculiar. There is usually some kind of light shining through the small window in the door. Wanted to make sure the monitors hadn’t lost power.
Seems like overkill. This is a research vessel. They don’t bother with outfitting this class of ship with shields or thruster redundancies. All we get is thicker cockpit glass and a handheld laser canon that can zap asteroids not much larger than a refrigerator.
Light. Rainbows are just light refracted in particles. They can exist everywhere light is, but you can’t see them without the right conditions. That sounds like God to me. If God is like stars and stars are like rainbows and rainbows are everywhere, then I think you really have been staring at God this whole time.