Chrono Trigger Fandub {Minor Characters}

inrezairo for Queen Azala

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Queen Azala
Role assigned to: inrezairo

Azala is the Queen of the Reptites, and as such, wants to lead to a glorious scaly future. She cares not for humans, often time attaking human settlements, such as Ioka, where Ayla is chief. She is confident in her own ability, as well as that of all other reptites in bringing this future to being a bright one, though is unfortunately defeated just before Lavos falls into the world and brings about the beginning of the end.

Tone: Medium-high to medium-low. Something befitting of a crazy lizard queen? Open to interpretation~! She is not particularly evil, just wants her race to thrive, rather than go extinct. She's highly intelligent for the era she hails from(65 000 000 BC).

  • Ah, the apes have arrived! Hmm. You're nothing like Ayla... Tell me what this is, at once!

  • are here at last. This is it, then. The showdown. Today there shall be a conclusion. Will it be the reptites, or you silly apes who end up ruling the world?

  • No... It can't be...! Could the heavens truly have sided with the apes? Listen, primates, and let it be known. We Reptites fought bravely to the bitter end!

Chrono Trigger Fandub {Minor Characters}
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