"Redemption Realms"
Michael Suggs for Zephyr

Zephyr is a mischievous and playful character who undergoes growth and development as he seeks redemption. He is a male in his early 20s who initially comes across as selfish, but eventually becomes selfless. We are looking for a voice actor who can capture the depth and complexity of Zephyr's character, from his initial playfulness to his eventual growth and development. The ideal candidate should have a voice that is playful and mischievous, yet also capable of conveying the emotional weight of Zephyr's character.
- english
- male young adult
- neutral
1. (mischievous) "Hey, you're not gonna catch me that easily!"
2. (reflective) "I know I've made mistakes, but I want to make things right. I want to be better."
3. (determined) "I may have been selfish before, but I won't let that define me. I'm going to do whatever it takes to make things right."