Genshin Impact Fandub Round #2: Liyue Characters

Yummy Cookie for Beidou

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Captain of her crew, The Crux. She's quite an unbound and forthright woman.

Captain of the Crux, with quite the reputation in Liyue. There are those who say she can split mountains and part the sea. Others say she draws lightning through her sword. Some say that even the mightiest of sea beasts are no match for her. For those not from Liyue, it may sound like a hearty joke, but those that have sailed with her will say— "No matter what sea beasts there may be, Beidou will be sure to split them all in two."

Beidou is well known across Liyue for her strength, easy-going personality, and her good judgment of character. She is well-liked by many, especially with children as they look up to her as an ideal role model. Beidou treats her crew with respect, and in return they are completely loyal to her. However,  criminals fear her great strength and try to avoid incurring her wrath.

Voice: Would love to voice match Allegra Clark

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • american
  • fandub
  • I'm Beidou. You've heard of my ship, The Crux, and it's crew? If you too love adventure, then join me. I've got your back.

  • (Affectionate/fond) Yaoyao always comes on board to play when we're in the harbor. Trouble is, when it's time for her to go she gives you the puppy eyes, and no one has the heart to send her away... Means we're always cutting it close by the time we manage to set sail.

Yummy Cookie
Genshin Impact Fandub Round #2: Liyue Characters

Hello! Thank you for your audition. My sincerest apologies, but I am unable to play this submission. Please either resubmit this here on CCC, or submit it one of the following ways listed under “How To audition” in this google doc: I would highly recommend email or using the google form to submit as it would be the quickest way to get them to work if it does not work on CCC again. If you email or put thison google forms please let me know so I can be sure to remember where to look for your submission when the time comes to cast! Please remember that if you do not resubmit your audition, the casting team and I will be unable to consider you if we cannot play and listen to your audition! If we are not able to play it, there unfortunately is not much we can do to listen to it. Thank you so much, and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week! :)

    Yummy Cookie
    Yummy Cookie


    Alright I see, let me go submit my role again through google forms as you suggested

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