Another Noxious Soul - Main roles part 1 | Animated series *PAID*
Erin Culpepper for Naelya Herrens (pronounced Na-e-lya)

Naelya is the heroine of the story.
She is a smart and charming girl who gets along with almost everyone. But if she doesn't like certain people, she won't hesitate to show it. Besides, she rarely lets anyone walk all over her. Peppy, she seems very sure of herself, but deep down she is a sensitive and emotional girl. She also has a pretty good intuitive understanding of human nature, which allows her to better understand and help those around her. Stubborn and impatient, it is difficult to change her mind once she has an idea. She can also be too outspoken and tell the truths that don't always please...
Note that if you want to apply for her, you must be able to provide a convincing thirtysomething voice for another character related to her : Aedelya (who has in fact the same voice as Naelya but older) . Her lines (464 words) are included in the 7013 words of this role. Naelya has also some lines as a child.
Age : 15
Voice : Medium, medium high. Katara from Avatar the last airbender, or Keqing from Genshin Impact are examples of voice timbre that could fit her well.
As this is a role with a significant number of lines, half of the payment will be made after the validation of the lines of season 1, and the second part after the validation of the lines of season 2.
(Narrative voice, a bit in a hurry and annoyed at being late) Naelya Herrens, 15 years old. I had the good idea of freeing a demon as jaded as he is rude. And here I am, late, because of the "book keeper", who can't even wake me up in time !
(Suspicious and defensive, she is being threaten ) Demons never keep their promises, so forget about it !
Aedelya : (Enigmatic and strangely warm) Don't worry Naelya, I'll stay with you... Like I always have.

Paypal email: [email protected]

Hi, thanks for you audition ! I think you have the perfect voice for Naelya !! But would you be able to do a deeper voice for Aedelya as she's much older than her ? :)

Awesome!! I just submitted a second audition with a deeper voice for Aedelya. Thank you so much! :)