The Dreamside Chronicles - A Cucumber Quest Fandub
Nuclear RvsB for The Sun
"The Sun is a hot-air balloon controlled by Princess Sunshine. It also functions as an actual sun, making its way across the skies of Dreamside each day. It has a sunny attitude and a peculiar way of speaking, utilizing rhymy-whymy nonsense words and overusing terms like 'gosh' and 'golly.'" -Cucumber Quest Wiki
This audition contains all of your lines at the moment, so when you get cast and get sent a link to join the Discord server for the project, you don't have to submit anything else unless you appear again.
I don't have a specific voice headcanon for The Sun, so go nuts!
[CONTEXT: You're flying with Princess Sunshine.]
(Cheerful) Yawwwwn... Wow-wow! Another sunshiney, funshiney day! You're the best pilot in the whoooooole dreamy world, Princess.
[CONTEXT: You see a saucer in the distance.]
(Slightly worried) Oh, but golly-wolly-osh! Should I be worried about the pointy li'l saucer that's a-flyin' on over?
[The saucer approaches.]
[CONTEXT: The saucer explodes. You hope that nobody got hurt inside the saucer.]
(Worried) BLEUGH! Gee-wowzers! I sure hope no one was hurt...
WOW! this audition BRIGHTENED my day! your tone, inflection, and emotion are absolutely phenomenal!