B&F - a non-commercial (as of yet) hobby fighting game project (paid)
Richard Gibson for Tilford Grant
Tilford is a participant in the sixth biennial Primal Fury fighting tournament, who aims to win the prize money so he can use it to save his dying restaurant chain.
Tilford is an overconfident and proud young man, with a burning entrepreneurial spirit. His focus in life is to form a mega corporation, which offers fair employment, wages, and benefits to its workers, and quality products to its consumers to become richer than his father (a multi-billionaire) on his own dime.
This dream, however, isn't all-consuming, and he finds time to hang out with friends and strangers in general during his downtime. He always manages to make people smile and most find him agreeable and down to earth as a person, with a tendency to get super passionate when talking about his hopes and dreams in life (he won't shut up about it, so don't get him started...)
This is a location test!